Getting Started

With the appropriate qualifications, EducateVA can help you become a licensed teacher in the state of Virginia, while maintaining your current job and responsibilities.

Do I Qualify?
To qualify for the EducateVA program, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and graduated with a GPA of 2.5 or better
  • Have three (3) or more years of full-time post-baccalaureate work experience
  • Have expertise in the Endorsement Area you would like to teach in
  • Taken and passed the required assessment (Praxis II/Subject Assessment)
  • Willingness to have a criminal background check

What is required?

  • Level I – Complete the 17/18-week program, which includes 40 hours of classroom field experience
  • Level II – Teach successfully with a provisional Career Switcher license for one full year, including some Saturday sessions and online training
  • After successful completion of Levels I and II, program participants are eligible to be recommended for a full 10-year renewable teaching license

**Please note:  EducateVA does not offer training for an Elementary Education endorsement.